On Saturday, more than 100 soldiers will meet up at the crack of down at Fort McAllister Marina for a day of offshore fishing with some 55 captains from around the area.
From the looks of the forecast, conditions should be just about perfect for what is sure to be a fun, exciting and relaxing day out on the water. For those who have never been, going offshore can be an incredibly exhilarating experience. The ocean is a blue like no other. The sky goes on forever. Fish seem to glow underwater. Even for someone who doesn’t care much for fishing, it can be the experience of a lifetime.
This kind of experience of a lifetime is exactly what the soldiers — all of who have been wounded in combat — deserve. And an experience of a lifetime is likely exactly what the Fort McAllister Sport Fishing Club is trying to offer. This will be the second annual Wounded Warriors Fishing Rodeo sponsored by the club, and the event is a fantastic way of saying “thank you” to these soldiers who have given so much.
And the timing of this year’s event shouldn’t go unnoticed. Whether on purpose or not, the event falls on the heels of what is possibly the greatest tragedy to take place on U.S. soil in modern history. While we take time to “never forget” what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, let us also never forget our soldiers who have been fighting the battle that was sparked by that day. The Wounded Warriors Fishing Rodeo serves as a quiet reminder to us all to never forget.
We hope the soldiers, the captains, volunteers and anyone else involved on Saturday has a wonderful day. May the weather be fair and the fish be plentiful — just don’t bring any bananas on board.
Fishing event reminds us to never forget our soldiers

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