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Caring for others
pastor corner

The writer of Philippians challenges his readers in chapter 2, verses 3-4 to care for others, not just thinking of ourselves. It reads like this, “ humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others”. I really think what he is saying is that we as followers of Jesus should genuinely care for other people. There are those in our society that believe no one cares for them. What an opportunity there is for us to show them that Jesus cares for them but so do we.

This reminds me of a situation I was involved in several years ago. I started pastoring at this church and found out that there was a notorious criminal that had been raised in that church but was then in prison. I found out where he was and started visiting him. He was courteous but quickly let me know that there was no hope for him to change and that it was a waste of time for me to visit. I kept visiting him and realized that he sensed that no one in the world actually cared for him. Over time the man changed and received Jesus into his life, was transformed and got released from prison early.

How many are there in your sphere of influence that think no one cares, and you have the opportunity to point them to Jesus and to show that you care?

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