Editor, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
This quote from Edmund Burke exemplifies what has gone wrong with our country. Good men and women have gone to Congress for years with the intention of doing everything in their power to stand on the side of good in the fight for our country but have fallen prey to the temptations of Washington, D.C.
Position in the government oftentimes draw career “wheeler and dealer” types that will do anything to cling on to power for as long as possible. We need leaders like Dr. Bob Johnson, in office who know the meaning of selfless service to represent us among the seas of career politicians in D.C.
Dr. Johnson has been an advocate of term limits, is a staunch Christian conservative who serves as a medical missionary and is not a politician. These qualities alone distinguish him from the field of individuals running for this seat that are seeking the next rung on the career ladder.
Our country is a battlefield between those that seek to foster a culture of dependency and those that advocate for self-sufficiency and conservative values. Dr. Johnson is the conservative in this race, and we need him in D.C. to whip those career politicians into shape.
— Betty Gercken, Bloomingdale
Candidate could whip D.C. into shape
Letter to editor
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