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2007 certainly wasnt all good (or all bad, either)
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It’s 2008 already?

Do any of us remember what happened in 2007? I certainly don’t. Where did that year go anyway? We’re eight years into this century already and I haven’t even cut my lawn yet!

I was up late the other night and thinking to myself. "Self," I said. "What can we record for posterity for 2007? It deserves at least an honorable mention -- no? No?" I then fell back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning thinking, "Yep. It was probably time to worry about 2007."

It certainly wasn’t all bad, 2007, but my grandma always instructed me to also list what was "good" whenever I complained about anything "bad" under my breath. She was a smart woman. Anyway, I came up with this list of the "Studs ‘n Duds" of 2007. Who knows. It might be an annual column.

(Grandma, please bear with me on this)

Let me state here first. It took a bit of thought to compile this yin and yang of 2007, and I must also qualify my list by first stating that I personally topped the category of "Duds." None of my 2007 "resolutions" were even close to being realized. Of course, it might have been easier if I had actually tried to implement them, but that’s another article. I suppose it was hopeless to even try.

Nevertheless, here is my list (and explanations why) in no particular order of priority, the "Studs ‘n Duds of 2007."

STUD: Johnny Murphy’s new public golf course. How cool is this? The course itself hasn’t opened yet, but is scheduled to do so in early spring. But, what a wonderful piece of vision. Here is a project, on the "Creek" side of Sterling, which could have been developed as a "profit first" enterprise, but instead, now serves as an open space invitation to what is best about this region. Land contact. I heard it hasn’t been easy. What’s the saying? Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well? Kudos on "REFLECTIONS" also. Stud rag.

DUD: Publix Produce Department (the plastic wrapped section). This was definitely a missed golden opportunity in my book - so far - (local lettuce handlers please take notice).

I still have to trek down Abercorn (glorious 204) into Savannah to Fresh Market to get unpackaged "bin supported" produce. Why? Dear Publix, you have an opportunity to give a little "hug" to the locals ‘round here by pulling the plastic wrap off your produce. Less is more. Less plastic-wrappers -- more farmer’s market style delivery. What did we Richmond Hillites ever do wrong to fare so poorly in the eyes of local Publix’s fresh produce overseers? C’mon guys ‘n gals of Publix - unwrap them earthy tatters! Let them breath! Yes, I drive to Vidalia, Georgia to get my fresh onions. Why? Because the rest of the world CAN’T! They would if they could! What’s the old saying, "Squeaky wheel gets the [olive] oil?"

STUD: The Richmond Hill Historical Society. Yes, there are a few hearty souls still trying to hang on to what really defines a region or township -- its history. Let’s throw in Fort McAllister here as well while we’re at it. What an invigorating reference point to start a tour of this wonderful town. Take your kids, if they don’t take you first. And if you’re single or otherwise involved, bring a digital camera. Then stop by the Richmond Hill Historic "Museum" on 144, kitty-corner from Parker’s on the way home. You won’t be disappointed.

DUD: Live Oak Plantation on Rt. 17. Has anyone ever seen any lights on in there? And what’s with those thirty teetering live oak on the berm trying to cover up (unsuccessfully) the "back-end" of the housing complex facing the street? One good wind storm and... The condos all look alike too, like Levittown, PA. How would you like to find yourself a little tipsy one night trying to find your way back home into that place from the local? "Let’s see, is mine the one with the yellow garage door, or the one with the yellow garage door? Nope. It must be that one over there with the yellow garage door. Honey, I’m home! Oops -- Sorry, Ma'am -- Sir."

STUD: RHPD. I don’t know how they stay ahead, but they somehow do. Same for the RHFD. Bless ‘em.

DUD: Kroger, Richmond Hill Exchange, the "new" Kroger, the one with the huge thirty foot fire ant hill out front. Someone told me last week that the "old" Kroger will be turned into a Richmond Hill Lowes Home Center. What the heck’s wrong with the "old" Kroger? Whenever I grab a pint of milk from the cooler, some friendly cow "moos" in my ear. How neat is that?! Okay, I’ll bite, why, leave and move thirty feet down the road? I don’t get it. And why Lowes? All so I don’t have to go way down Rt. 204 to Lowes Savannah?! I love Lowes. I shop there all the time - on 204! Hey, but now, 204 is coming to me! I’ll have a Lowes ten minute closer! Know what, troupes? I’ll still shop at the Richmond Hill Ace Hardware Store. I like the folks in there. They were here first, and besides, they’ve got most of the same stuff. And I’ll still pop into the Plantation Hardware too once in a while. I might have to rent a backhoe or bush-hog or something for that lawn out front. Don’t get me wrong, I like going to Lowes -- wherever I can find one -- outside of Richmond Hill that is.

COOL STUD STOPS (Random order): Hill of Beans, 606, the Richmond Hill Cafe, Richmond Hill Pharmacy, Kim’s Kottage Kuts, 5 O’clock Tavern, Steamers, Augies, Molly MacPherson’s, the Seafood Festival, JF Gregory Park, Sho-Gun, (the late Pogies and the late Polks), Loves Seafood (okay it’s out of town but), Three Stool Bar, Tim and Dave’s Nursery, the Richmond Hill Historic Museum, Richmond Hill Marine & Sporting Goods, Fort McAllister and Fort McAllister Marina, Golden Memories Antiques, among others...

DUD STOPS: Hey, best to make up your own list here. There’s way too many to choose from -- and many, many, more coming it looks like. Tell you what. We’ll collect them and at the end of the year put out another list: "Studs ‘n Duds -- 2008."

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