Help for small business owners trying to navigate the red tape of new SBA programs such as the Paycheck Protection Program is available online.
The Georgia Department of Community Affairs is hosting a webinar series with the Georgia Department of Economic Development and the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center to provide guidance on the assistance that is available as a result of the new SBA programs (like the PPP) that were created by the CARES Act. The webinar for Region 12, which includes Bryan County, is scheduled for 4 p.m. EST on Monday, April 6. Below is the information on how to join the webinar:
Zoom Link:
Call-In: +1 (646) 876-9923 US
Meeting ID: 293 538 774
Contact: UGA SBDC in Southern Coastal, (912) 651-3200 or
Additional information on these webinars and the SBA programs is available at the following link: Webinar Information.