A minor traffic accident occurred Tuesday morning between a Bryan County school bus carrying elementary school children and an automobile near the White Oak subdivision.
Police Chief Billy Reynolds said there were no reported injuries as a result of the accident and Superintendent Dr. Sallie Brewer said she understood the incident was a small one.
"The protocol when something like this happens is that we get an administrator to the bus and Allen Cox was sent there this morning," she said. "EMS came and checked the children to make sure they were all fine. We also notify parents that it happened and they’re welcome to come to the school and check on the child."
Assistant Superintendent Brad Anderson said the accident occurred just before 8 a.m., as the bus was leaving the White Oak subdivision and was stopped at the Perry Street stop sign, getting ready to turn out to Hwy. 17.
"To look at the bus, you’d never know anything happened to it," Anderson said. "According to Mr. Cox, the front of the car had slight damage; obviously it took the bigger lick."
Anderson said the school first called the Richmond Hill Police Department, who contacted EMS to come out.
"We turned it over to the local emergency management folks and they questioned children to see if any children were hurt," Anderson said. "They released them all and said they could be moved on to school."
Anderson said before the children continued their trip to school, another bus was sent out for the transport.
"It is common practice, if there’s been an accident we take that bus off the road and send it through an inspection. Mr. Cox said the local mechanic has already gone over the bus today and it only required some extra paint on the back end, on the bottom of the bus," Anderson said.
Cox compiled a list of all the students on the bus who were heading to the pre-K through 5th grade complex.
"The schools got the list and parents were contacted. From information I received this morning, none of the children required any EMS treatment or transport," Anderson said. "They all appear to be in great shape."