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RHPD reports: ‘Infamous murder hornet’ suspected
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From Richmond Hill Police Department reports:

 Matter of record: Here’s one for the books, from the officer’s perspective. It may be the best police incident report narrative written in many a year.

“On November 7, 2020, Bryan County 911 received a call of concern in reference to capturing what the complainant thought was the infamous ‘murder hornet.’ Therefore, I responded. Upon my arrival, I began speaking to (the complainant) who presented to me a pink-capped small Tupperware container which contained a hornet. (Complainant) said he had searched the internet and thought it resembled the ‘Asian Murder Hornet.’ Upon looking at the hornet, the coloration resembled a Japanese Hornet, but was smaller. (Complainant) called to report the hornet as he did not have knowledge if this species was locally found or not. (Complainant) said he discovered the hornet when he arrived back at his campsite and it was sitting on the mirror of his motorcycle. Prior to calling the Richmond Hill Police Department to report his findings, he said he attempted to contact the game warden but was unsuccessful. (The complainant) said he researched the hornet and read the ‘Asian Murder Hornet’ was an invasive species and did not know they were presently in Georgia. (The complainant) did advise me they were in Louisiana where the locals are wrapping them in bacon and throwing them on the grill. However, that does not sound too appetizing. (The complainant) relinquished custody of the acquired hornet to me.

“After further research, the pre-identified ‘Japanese Hornet’ is not what this hornet appears to be. Although I am not an entomologist, I used many resources such as Google images, I discovered the hornet is actually a ‘Southern Yellowjacket Queen’. The markings of a Japanese hornet aka Asian Giant Hornet on the abdomen are banded in an orange/ yellow and black. The thorax of the Asian Giant Hornet is also black in color. However, the markings on the abdomen of this hornet are banded with two shades of brown. Also, the thorax on the Southern Yellowjacket queen has distinctive markings of burnt yellow and black. According to an article from meridianstar. com, they said ‘Southern yellowjacket queens can be mistaken for Asian giant hornets because of their size and coloring.’ “After this identification, I placed (the complainant) a follow- up call to inform him of my findings. (He) said it was better than what he thought it was.”

Matter of record: Police were called to a Highway 17 motel on Nov. 9 due to a mad guest who accused the manager of stealing her reward points.

The manager told RHPD the woman asked to extend her stay and when he asked her how she was going to pay for the extension she “began yelling aloud, ‘you stole my hotel rewards points and I am not going anywhere.’” The man told RHPD he has no access to hotel reward points and can’t charge her card unless she gives it to him.

The officer and the manager went to the room, and the woman opened the door yelling that the man took her reward points and she thought he stole money that was missing from her debit card.”

“(She) continued to yell stating how can you officers allow this man to take my hotel points and not take him to jail. After several minutes, (she) stopped talking and I asked if she could provide proof of her theft allegations. (She) did unlock her cellphone and it displayed a one day reservation for this hotel but nothing further,” the report continued.

The manager tried “several times” to get the woman to make her complaint to the main office and gave her that number. He also “advised he has no access to hotel points or her personal finance,” then told her and two men staying with her that they had to be out.

“(She) then yelled aloud, ‘I am not going anywhere, I don’t care, and you can’t make me.’” The officer told the woman she’d have to go and if she could prove the theft they would help her out. The report said the manager called corporate to confirm transactions and points history, and while that was going on “(the woman) was consulting her psychologist in reference to this incident.”

Public intoxication: An officer saw a car parked behind a local business on 144 around 10:30 p.m. Nov. 17 “with the parking lights active,” and went to check it out.

“As I pulled up I observed a white male sitting up in the driver seat,” the officer reported. “As I approached on foot I observed the male’s eyes were open wide but that he was not looking at me. It appeared as if he was staring off in the distance.”

The officer knocked on the window, which “startled the male,” who had a confused expression and seemed to be having spasms of some sort.

After trying to get the man to respond, the officer ran the plate number and learned the man was 30 and had a Richmond Hill address, the report said.

“(He) eventually opened the door and got out of the vehicle,” but then started having spasms and almost fell on his face.

“He had to be held upright in order not to fall,” the report continued. “He would keep looking off in the distance as if he were seeing things. He knew where he was but thought the year was 2006.”

The officer called for EMS, and while they waited the man “either had another spasm or was trying to hit officers. It could not be determined what his intentions where.”

There was no alcohol on the man’s breath, and the man “could not advise if he took anything or had any medical conditions,” the report said.

Then, EMS arrived, “checked his heart rate which showed 155 beats per minute and advised he would need further evaluation.”

The man was taken by ambulance to Memorial. He was also cited for public intoxication, the report said.

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