From Richmond Hill Police Department reports:
Matter of record: An officer was sent to Kroger around 3:15 p.m. Dec. 21 “in reference to a report for assault with a shopping cart.” The complainant, a 64-year-old woman, “stated that while she was near the seafood case someone ran into the back of her ankles with a shopping cart. (She) advised she spoke with this subject and informed him that he hit her ankles, to which he replied ‘because you weren’t moving fast enough.’ (She) further advised that this subject then carried on about his way.”
The man was described as being white, in his late 60s and wearing a green jacket.
The officer told her he couldn’t prove malicious intent and wouldn’t be pressing charges, but said he would file a report.
The woman, who was near the exit with her husband, said the man was still in the store.
The officer told her and her husband they “legally could make contact,” with the man, “(but should) refrain from putting themselves in any form of jeopardy by doing so.”
The woman got a case number.
Disorderly conduct: Four people were charged with disorderly conduct after a Dec. 22 fight between two local fast food restaurant employees, a former employee and another man.
Police were told the two men went to the store to pick up a check for the former employee when he was attacked by a female employee.
At some point, a manager put one of the men in a stranglehold, one of the complainants said. All of those involved were in their teens and 20s. The report said “all parties played a vital role in this incident,” so all were arrested, charged and let go to appear in court.