From Richmond Hill Police Department reports:
Simple battery: An officer responded to a Rushing Street address Sunday regarding an argument between brothers. One brother “indicated he asked his brother … if he had consumed any of his Crown Royal,” a report said. “(The brother) was apparently unhappy with (the question asker) and a brief ‘heated’ argument ensued between the two. During said argument (the brother) punched (his brother) on the left side of his face.”
Etc. The victim said he wanted “his brother calmed down and for someone to talk to him about punching others during a disagreement.”
Police were called to an Osprey Drive home around 4 a.m. Sunday regarding “a
possible domestic that happened over the phone,” a report said. “Dispatch
advised the male party was laying in the driveway. Upon officers’ arrival, we
observed a white male lying in the driveway face down with his dog next to him.”
The man was ok, and told officers he was “outside laying in the driveway listening to music with the dog to give (the
complainant, woman) a chance to calm down.”
The complainant told officers that she broke up with the man last week and he refuses to leave. She said he was fussing at her through text messages.
There was
some alcohol involved, but the man didn’t seem intoxicated, the report said,
and “due to the two subjects not really having an argument, just arguing
through text messages through the phone from two separate rooms officers
cleared the soon.”
Ten minutes later, officers were sent back because the man had gone inside and
started yelling at the woman.
The man was gone when police got there, however, and a search turned up empty. The woman said she had to go to work and hoped the man took his things and left.
Reckless driving, speeding: An officer running radar around 1:30 a.m. Sunday on I-95 clocked a car heading south at 112 mph near mile marker 90. He pulled the car over. The driver said he’d missed his exit. He also smelled of alcohol, and tested under the legal limit. But there were passengers in the car, so the man was cited for reckless driving and going 112 mph in a 70 mph zone. The passengers got a ride to Love’s Truck Stop. The driver was turned over to MPs. The car was towed.
Wanted person: A man called RHPD from the Best Western motel on Aug. 19 to say “a friend he traveled up from Kingsland with stole his basketball card,” a report said. “When asked where this happened he stated it as in Kingsland. He was referred to Kingsland Police Department for the report.”
The officer then ran the complainant’s name and learned he was wanted in Camden County for a probation violation. The man was arrested. There was no word on his friend or the stolen card.