Editor's note: The following announcements are from Relay for Life of Richmond Hill organizers. They've got a big weekend planned.
Marta's Minions will have a booth set up at the Wildcat Classic on Friday, March 26 at 6 p.m.. Please make sure to go and support the Wildcats and Marta's Minions! Forever Grateful is having a Car Wash at Papa's Pizza located in Ways Station on Saturday, March 27 from 10 to 2 p.m. Come out and support Relay For Life of Richmond Hill! Free slice of pizza for every occupant in the car being washed!! Cedar Animal Hospital is holding a Paws for a Cause Event on Saturday, March 27 from 12:30 to 5 p.m. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m.. To register early, stop by Cedar Animal Hospital! Galbreath Gals... Easter Photos with Patti Todd Photography on March 27 and March 28! Chamber Buck-A-Roos is having a yardsale on March 27 at the parking lot of the Crossroads Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you would like to donate any items, large or small, please contact Laura Evans at 756.5113 or Carolyn Thompson at 756.7306. Click here to download the flyer. Bryan County Emergency Services is having a Yardsale and Car Wash on March 27 in front of the Courthouse in Richmond Hill. The yardsale will be from 7 a.m. to noon and the Car Wash will be from noon to 3 p.m. Please call Jodie at 661.0592 for more information. Hill-Billies for a Cure is having a Yardsale/Bake Sale on March 27th at Mulberry Court off Hwy. 144 (turn at Cedar Street).