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New mayor, council sworn

There wasn’t an empty seat in Richmond Hill City Hall Tuesday night as residents flocked to see the new mayor and council members get sworn into office.

U.S. Congressman Jack Kingston was on hand to swear in Mayor Harold Fowler and new councilmen Russ Carpenter and Van Hunter.

Fowler replaces Richard Davis, who has been mayor for the past 21 years. Fowler gave up his city council seat, which he held for 10 years, in 2005 to run for mayor but was defeated by Davis. Fowler defeated outgoing councilman Floyd Hilliard in November to mark his return to city politics.

A burst of applause filled the room following Fowler’s induction. Immediately following, Fowler walked over to his new seat at the mayor’s chair, where he was met with a handshake from Davis. Davis pulled out the chair for Fowler as applause again erupted.

"It’s a dawn of a new era," Kingston said. "Richard Davis has done a great job … it’s a new chapter for Richmond Hill, a new council. I’m just excited to be invited to be here."

-Read more in the Bryan County News.

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