Soldiers from Company F, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade made the single largest donation this year at Fort Stewart — 4,318 pounds of food — for Feds Feed Families, which ran June 1-Aug. 27.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website, since the campaign began in 2009, federal workers have collected and donated 24.1 million pounds of food and other non-perishable items to support families across America.
First Lt. Sean Wester, executive officer for Company D, 2/3 Avn. Regt., was the battalion officer in charge of the program to collect and track food donations. Wester said he was happy and impressed with the support the companies gave to help needy families.
“Fox Company did an amazing job,” he said when asked about the response from his organization. “They brought in more food than I ever expected.”
Capt. Isaac Yancey, commander of Company F, said the soldiers saw Feds Feeding Families as an opportunity to say “thank you” and give back to the community that has been so good to them. Yancey, who grew up in a small town, said he knows how communities get involved to help neighbors in a time of need.
“I’ve never seen this kind of a turnout for a food drive, ever,” he said. “I'm extremely proud of these soldiers and the contributions they’ve made for a great cause that is so close to home.”
A representative from Fort Stewart Commissary said total donations received from units at Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield for this year’s campaign was more than 10,000 pounds.
Aviation unit donates to Feds Feed Families

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