Pembroke City Council approved a referendum resolution Monday that would allow Sunday sales of packaged alcohol
The referendum will now be on the ballot for voters to approve or reject March 21.
Council also approved an intergovernmental agreement with Bulloch County to move forward with a water and well project to help supply water for the city.
Bulloch County voted last week to approve the agreement.
Officials say it is necessary to source water from outside Bryan County due to groundwater management regulations imposed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division
Pembroke has received a grant to fund the project.
Council also approved a request from the Bryan County High baseball team to do a “bucket brigade” fundraiser on Saturday, March 11. It is scheduled to take place between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Fire Chief Peter Waters acknowledged three firefighters receiving recognition for 2016: Mike Dodd, Firefighter of the Year; Paul Rigo, Officer of the Year; Aaron Stevens, Chief’s Choice Award. Dodd was promoted from firefighter to the rank of lieutenant.
Downtown Development Authority Director Alex Floyd acknowledged the Pembroke Valentine’s Day couples recognized or being the longest married at 68 years, Harry and Elvie Owens; longest married residents at 59 years, Billy and Jewell Kennedy; and the winners of an essay contest, Bob and Debbie Floyd.
Pembroke approves vote on Sunday alcohol sales
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