Georgia Game Changers Running Company will once again be hosting weekly fun runs most Friday nights from June through August. The family events start at 6:30 p.m. at J.F. Gregory Park. The first one is June 2.
“We have found over the past few summers that families most enjoy this opportunity to bring their kids of all ages, and either run, walk, or bike with them,” said Sandra Elliott, co-owner of Game Changers. “It is a great way to meet and to mingle with other families as well.”
Participants will sign in, and the runs are unofficially timed, with the store keeping track of both participants and their finish times. Often, one of the vendors from the store will bring demonstration products, such as shoes or gear, so that people can test them at the park.
Following the runs, the store will offers watermelon, snacks, and occasionally prizes for the top male and female finishers.
This summer, the store is also offering a discount on the summer's hottest race, the 5th Annual Red Hot Chili Pepper 5k, for attendees of the fun runs. There are seven runs prior to race, and attendees to the fun runs, will be tracked. Those who attend three fun runs will get a $5 discount off the race, and those who attend all seven of the fun runs prior to the race will get $10 off the entry fee. The 5th Annual Red Hot Chili Pepper 5k will be held on July 22, with the start and finish lines at the Richmond Hill Jalapeno’s.
“The runs are really about getting people to come together at our beautiful city park and meet other like-minded people on a Friday night,” Elliott said. “Over the last three summers, we have seen lots of progression in terms of fitness, but also we have seen people make new friends in the community.”
The dates for the fun runs are: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; July 7, 14 and 28; Aug. 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Participants can keep up with runs on the Georgia Game Changers Running Company Face Book page, or call the store at (912) 445-2163.