Bryan County will hold two public input sessions this week where community members can offer insights and suggestions on the county’s proposed comprehensive plan.
According to a press release from the county, the first session will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Bryan County Administrative Building in South Bryan at 66 Captain Matthew Freeman Drive. The second session is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday at the courthouse in Pembroke.
The county’s comprehensive plan consists of maps, text, data and support documents that form the foundation of Bryan County’s planning program. The plan provides guidance for the county's physical growth through its various elements and related goals, objectives and policies. The Board of Commissioners encourages all community members to come share their thoughts and ideas, which they’ll take into consideration when sculpting the plan.
County officials say they want to provide residents with a broad vision of Bryan County’s future. Based on this vision, the plan establishes a policy framework for land use changes, public investments, infrastructure improvements and intergovernmental cooperation.
“We’d like to develop it with participation from county residents, so this is an excellent opportunity for the public to have a say in the decisions that will affect their community and lives for years to come,” County Commissioners Chairman Carter Infinger said.
For more information on the public input sessions or Bryan County’s comprehensive plan, please visit or call (912) 653-5252 or (912) 756-3177.
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