ATLANTA — The Georgia Municipal Association recently announced Richmond Hill as a recipient of a $3,050 Liability Management grant for GCA Certification and constitutional law legal training.
“This program allows each city to stretch its budget dollars and provide a safer work environment for its employees,” Steve Durden, deputy director of marketing, said.
The Safety and Liability Management Grant program is made available to members of GMA’s property and liability insurance program and GMA’s workers’ compensation insurance program.
The program was introduced in 2000 to provide a financial incentive to assist members in improving their employee safety and general public liability loss-control efforts through training and the purchase of equipment or services.
Since the inception of the program, more than 130 cities have received such grant funds and more than 500 grants were approved, totaling nearly $1.5 million to fund items like bulletproof vests, training videos, fire department turnout gear and more.
Based in Atlanta, GMA is a voluntary, nonprofit organization that provides legislative advocacy, educational, employee benefit and consulting services to its more than 500 member cities.
City gets lirability-management grant
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