ATLANTA — House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) recently appointed state Rep. Al Williams, D-Midway, to the State Commission on Petroleum Pipelines.
"I would like to thank Speaker Ralston for appointing me to this important commission," said Rep. Williams. "The recent proposals for the Sabal and Palmetto pipelines have generated a great deal of public interest and heated discussions about petroleum pipelines and the impact pipelines have on local environments and economies. I look forward to working with my fellow commission members to study these effects in Georgia to better understand how to protect our state’s citizens and natural resources."
The commission was established by House Bill 1036, which was signed into law by Governor Deal last month.
The 13 member commission will examine the legal and regulatory environment concerning petroleum pipelines in Georgia and, if necessary, recommend policy changes to protect the public interest.
For more information on HB 1036, go to