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Get to know our new marketing consultant John Hunt
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Bryan County News regional marketing consultant John Hunt

John Hunt is the new regional marketing consultant for print and digital products for Bryan County News.

He will be partnering with local businesses to maximize their potential and exceed their growth goals. 

Hunt recently graduated from University of Florida with a bachelor's degree in economics, specializing in food and resource international marketing and trade. While in school, he was a sales assistant for a company that organizes data from opinion research institutes, economic sector pieces and official statistics.. 

Growing up in sunny Fort Myers, Florida you may not expect it but Hunt became a great hockey player. He ventured to New England pursuing a career, but ultimately ended up playing for the University of Florida team. Now, on the weekends you can find him working on his golf game at the local club.

Hunt looks forward to being a big part of the Bryan County community. If you see him around, please say hello.

He can be reached at or (912) 662-1582

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