To ease Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday weekend traffic congestion, the Georgia Department of
Transportation is suspending construction-related lane closures from 6 a.m.
Wednesday to 5 a.m. Monday on all interstates and major state route closures
that directly serve major shopping districts.
“Travel is expected to be at an all-time high this year as people visit friends
and family for the Thanksgiving holiday and shop on Black Friday,” said Georgia
DOT State Construction Engineer John D. Hancock. “In order to provide work-zone
free travel, we are limiting construction and associated lane closures.”
The Department reminds travelers to exercise caution as crews may still work in
proximity to highways and safety concerns may require some long-term lane
closures to remain in place. Also, incident management or emergency,
maintenance-related lane closures could become necessary at any time on any
interstate or state route.
“We typically see an increase in roadway fatalities during heavy travel
holidays,” Hancock said. “I urge drivers to slow down and drive alert. Drivers
should adhere to the new hands-free cell phone law that went into effect
earlier this year and ensure that everyone in their vehicle is wearing a
seatbelt. Let’s make this a happy Thanksgiving for all.”
Work on construction and maintenance projects will continue this week through 6 a.m., Wednesday. Major projects of interest that will likely impact traffic are listed below. All work subject to change due to weather or other factors.
Interstate 16
Concrete pavement repairs
Nightly Lane Closure 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday and Tuesday
Intermittently from mileposts 149.5 to 166
Interstate 516
Concrete repairs and grinding operations with ramp closures
Eastbound and Westbound lane closures from MP 0 to MP 6.2
Nightly 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Monday and Tuesday
Bryan County
SR 25/US 17 5
miles North of Ford Avenue
Weekend single-lane closures for bridge rehabilitation work
6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Friday through Monday through Nov. 30
SR 144 Cross
Wind Road to Brown Road
Flagging operation for milling and inlaying asphalt
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday