In the last few years we have remodeled both bathrooms in our home. In addition, we have installed laminate flooring in some rooms, and carpeting in others. We have also painted most of the interior of the house. All of these updates make the place look much better.
But recently we’ve had to do one other job, replace the roof. And we know it will not be long before we need a new air conditioner/ heat pump, as well as repairs to the driveway.
I have to be honest. The bathroom remodels were much more important to us. They have made the rooms more attractive and more functional. While we never are looking to spend money, at least we feel like we got something in exchange.
But the roof and the driveway? Yeah, we would rather spend our money on something else. They really don’t change the look of the home. And yet, both are essential. The roof part is obvious. But both are needed.
In my walk with God there are things that need my attention as well. It should be obvious that I need to worship the Lord. As a pastor I need to make sure that I study the Bible for personal growth, not simply to prepare to preach and teach. I need to pray alone, not just in front of others.
At my home, if the roof fails, the bathroom renovations and new carpet could be damaged. In fact, the entire home is in jeopardy. And so the outward aspects of my Christian life will collapse if my heart is not right with the Lord.
Jesus said, “What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart.” More than anything, I need to guard my heart. I can play a role that makes others believe that I am faithful and walking with God. But he sees my heart. I pray that my heart will be pure in his sight, and that my pure heart will lead to godly living.