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Education programs highlighted at Rotary Club meeting
Dr. James Wilburn
Dr. James Wilburn at the Richmond Hill Rotary Club meeting. Photo provided.

At last week’s Rotary Club of Richmond Hill meeting at the City Center, club members enjoyed a presentation from Georgia Tech-Savannah about new professional education programs.

 Dr. James Wilburn introduced the professional leadership Certificate which has been developed for emerging leaders to accelerate their careers through education and self-discovery, and for professionals in corporations and organizations that have demonstrated leadership qualities through experience and engagement. 

Georgia Tech–Savannah has designed a cohort model for individuals throughout the Coastal Empire who register for the eight-part program to join in a group learning experience with other executives.

 Over the course of nine months, professionals will build close, trusting relationships with a small, diverse group of other executives from a range of industries.

Information can be found at: Link to Professional Leadership Certificate Brochure:

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