The Richmond Hill City Council met in regular session Tuesday night to discuss variance requests and a speed bump policy for local individual homeowners and homeowners associations.
The council held a public hearing for a petition filed by Camellia Street, LLC requesting a variance to Article 6, Section 6.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The variance request is to allow a 15-foot rear setback for 112 Kennah Court, 102 Kennah Court, and 109 Kennah Court. The properties are zoned for low density single family structures.
According to Scott Allison, construction in the neighborhood was approved by the council in April 2018, but other safety requirements caused three of the properties to be slightly smaller than the rest. The petitioner requested the 15-foot setback to adjust the properties so that they are the same as all the rest in the neighborhood.
Land owners behind and adjacent to the Camellia Street properties attended the public hearing to voice their concerns about the setback. Local land owner, Jo McCoy asked if her property would be affected by the setback.
Allison addressed her concern when the council returned to their regular session, telling her she would not lose any of her property because of the variance. With verification from the petitioner, Allison told her there would be landscaping separating the Camellia Street properties from the surrounding properties.
In regular session, the council approved the variance request.
A petition by Express Oil Change and Tire Engineers requesting a variance to Article 16, Section 16.10 of the same ordinance was also heard in a public hearing. The petitioner requested an additional building sign at 9665 Ford Ave. There were no comments during the public hearing. In regular session, the council approved the variance.
The council then approved the City of Richmond Hill Speed Bump Policy to establish a policy and procedure for individual and neighborhoods to request a speed bump. According to Allison, the council would still need to approve or disapprove any requests, but the policy would streamline the process to request a speed bump.
The council was given a first reading of an amendment to the City of Richmond Hill Code of Ordinances that would change the bi-monthly city council meetings to one monthly meeting and one monthly workshop. The new city council meeting date and time would be the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., and the workshop session date and time would be the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. The council will have the chance to vote on the amendment at the next regular meeting, which was moved to March 24.