From Bryan County Sheriff’s Office reports:
Editor's update: After some discussions, we've decided to pull a blotter item regarding a woman who said she was scammed by someone pretending to be Keith Richards. The item seems to be causing her some serious distress.
Littering: A Richmond Hill man reported Feb. 24 “a situation that had occurred the day before … at approximately 17:17 hours that date.”
The complainant said a “white possible female with long dark hair” drove a SUV by his house and threw a “bag of liquor bottles into his yard” and then sped off.
The man didn’t get tag information, but told LCSO “the Home Owners Association for his area has video footage of the incident and will release it upon report.”
Damage to property: The Jacob Grant Community Center in Richmond Hill was vandalized when someone threw baseballs through a window, it was reported Feb. 24.
“This incident did not look to be accidental,” a report said.
Theft: A Richmond Hill woman reported Feb. 24 that “she had a black in color flower trellis by her fence that was stolen,” a report said. “The trellis was valued at $30. It is unknown at this time who took the trellis. The trellis was last seen on Feb. 1, 2020.”
Fraud, part 1: A Richmond Hill man reported Feb. 21 someone used his credit card to buy a Canon mirrorless camera online for $614.77 and used his wife’s email to place the order, then picked the camera up from a Best Buy in Kennesaw.
Fraud, part 2: An Ellabell man reported Feb. 21 someone bought “3 Nikon SB-700 AF Speedlight flashes” on using his credit card. The purchase was $1,059.52. The man also said he did some investigating and found the items had been sent to an Ohio address.
Matter of record: An Oak Hill Road, Richmond Hill woman reported Feb. 19 “someone had opened her mailbox and placed a condom and condom wrapper inside of the mailbox and closed it.”
The woman said she wasn’t home the day before and didn’t know anyone who might do such a thing.
She was told extra patrols would be conducted.
Theft: An Ellabell woman reported a man she knows stole a gun from her purse, at gunpoint, using her gun.
The woman said she was driving down Warnell Farm Road around 3:30 pm. Feb. 23 and her vehicle overheated, so she pulled over to the shoulder of the road.
“(The man, whom the woman named to LCSO) drove by, then turned around, stopped and was assisting (her) with her vehicle, checking under the hood and in and out of the driver’s compartment. (He) then went into her purse, which was in her vehicle, and took her hand gun. (She) stated (he) then pointed the gun at her and he told her to get back into her vehicle, which she did. (He) then got back into his vehicle and left the area.”
All sorts of stuff: Deputies were alerted to a “domestic dispute occurring in a vehicle … on Highway 17,” on Feb. 21. “(Dispatch) later advised of a second vehicle that appeared to be trying to run (the first vehicle) off the road.”
The deputy found both of them at the I-95 exit and pulled both over. The complainant and witness said he saw the two drivers get into a “physical domestic dispute” at the Dollar General down in Midway, and he followed them up 17 and saw the second car try to run the first car off the road.
The driver of the second car said she’d recently broken up with her girlfriend, the driver of the first car, and she wanted back a phone she’d given her ex-girlfriend. The woman said she swerved, but denied trying to run her ex-friend off the road. Similarly, the ex-girlfriend said there was no fight nor did her ex try to run her off the road.
While all this was going on, the deputy ran their names through dispatch and learned the ex-girlfriend had a suspended license and was wanted in Ludowici for something. She was arrested.
DUI: A deputy said he was on patrol around 4:50 a.m. Feb. 23 when an officer from another agency told him he’d stopped to help the driver of a vehicle in a ditch on Highway 280 near Bacon Town Road and the driver appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.
The deputy got to the scene and talked to the driver, “who appeared to be having a difficult time standing or walking on her own and answering questions asked of her by officers on the scene,” and admitted to having something to drink earlier.
The woman’s car was pointed west on the eastbound side of the road, but was undamaged.
“When asked several times by officers on scene if she would consent to a test of her breath to determine if she was under the influence of alcohol, (she) refused to give a yes or no answer stating ‘Last time I took one of those I had just eaten at Taco Bell’ and that she had been harassed by law enforcement using a breathalyzer in the past and she refused to take any kind of test.”
She was arrested for DUI, etc. Her car was towed.