From Bryan County Sheriff’s Office reports:
Terroristic threats, harassing phone calls: An Ellabell woman reported May 24 she was getting texts from a number she didn’t recognize. “In the text the texter uses derogatory statements toward (the woman) and then threatens to shoot (her) ‘between the eyes,’” the report said. The woman said she’d made a report in Savannah as well. The deputy told her he thought it “most likely that the phone number was a ‘spoofed’ number. Upon further research it was determined that the number is most likely a Google voice number or some other Internet phone service.”
Affray, theft, etc: Deputies responded to a Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond Hill, address around 7:20 pm. May 24 and met with a woman who “had marks on her face and a dog bite on her leg,” a report said. The woman, who shall from here on out be called the complainant, refused treatment. The complainant said she and another woman “were arguing over a pair of her jeans. Then (complainant) states that (the other woman) hit her with a book and grabbed her by her hair and started hitting her. (Complainant) stated that she hit her back to defend herself.”
The deputy then talked to the second woman, who said “(complainant) was very verbal towards her about the rules of the house and then (complainant) came toward her to hit her and she then also defended herself.”
The women were separated and told they could go to Magistrate court, though the complainant was served a notice for criminal trespass.
Aggravated assault, more: Deputies were called to a Steele Wood Drive, Richmond Hill, address around 8 p.m. May 25 regarding a “verbal dispute between (neighbors).”
While on their way, deputies heard first that the verbal dispute had turned into a fight, then that a gun was called.
Then a call came in that everyone was “separated and in the yard talking at this time.”
The first guy to talk to deputies was a father, who had “road rash on both his knees and face” and said his neighbor offered his 16-year-old daughter a drink and “he advised (his neighbor) not to be offering his daughter drinks anymore. (The neighbor then, according to the father) stated for him not to be asking about his wife’s panties and that’s when it all got started.”
The neighbor then asked the father to meet him in the road, so the father did and then went to the neighbor’s front door and rang the doorbell “and then noticed (his neighbor) coming up the road on the golf cart . (The father) stated (the neighbor) tried to run him over with the cart and he started crossing the road back to his residence when he was tackled by (his neighbor).”
The father said he had a gun with him and to be safe handed it to another neighbor “that had just came up.” It was unloaded and put in the father’s yard until deputies arrived, and then the father said the neighbor who’d said something about his wife’s panties “left the area and was not seen the rest of the night,” etc.
The wife of the neighbor accused of trying to run over the father of the teen girl told a different story, claiming the father came to her house, “and pushed the door open and started using foul language in front of both her juvenile sons ages 11 and 8,” the report said. She also claimed the father “took out his hand gun pointing it at her husband as he ran out into the front yard.”
Ultimately, neither she nor the father wanted to file charges. And the gun was safely put away, the report said.
Disturbance, simple battery, property damage: Deputies were sent to a Dr. Blitch Drive, Ellabell, address shortly before noon May 25 because a woman said a man had been “tearing up their road, a private road, and had almost hit her kids and did hit her car.”
A second woman said at some point during “the yelling stages of the argument” the man “got in her face and after heated words he struck her on the right side of her head around the right ear area.”
After a “small” fight between the first woman’s husband and the man, he got in his car and tried to leave. “(The second woman) said she tried to prevent him from leaving and he hit the gas and tried to run her over while she was in front of his car.”
In addition, others said the man “comes over there all the time tearing up their road which is private and not county maintained and they have told him multiple times not to drive on it and he continues to not listen,” the report said.
In addition, the man’s mother got involved at some point.
During all this, the deputy doing the report got a call to a Mack English Road address and went there. The man said he went to the private road to try and “locate his mother’s dog that had gotten off the chain it's kept on. He said that when he passed by the other people’s houses they started yelling at him and cussing him telling him to get out of there and off their road that it’s private and he didn’t live on it.”
The man said words were exchanged and the second woman “got in his face and he said whore get out of my face and she said don’t call me a whore, and he called her a whore again and she struck him in the face on the right hand side. He said he then pushed her back and then (the first woman’s husband) jumped on him and they wrestled a moment but no blows were exchanged.”
The man said that’s when his mother showed up to break things up, and when he tried to leave in his car the second woman slammed her hands down on his hood and he had a hard time getting out of there, but did.
His mother said she went over to find her son “and found him over there arguing and having just finished wrestling with (the first woman’s husband). She said she got between them and was getting him to go home and to not get into any trouble over there.” She said she went home and called 911.
Deputies then went back to Dr. Blitch Drive, where they were asked why no one was going to jail and “we explained we were not on scene when this occurred and that each side has a different story so it’s hard to determine who the primary offender would be and that they could go to the magistrate’s office with the report and see about obtaining warrants.”
Deputies then left, only to be called back later to be shown videos and photos of the man, parked near Dr. Blitch Drive, and then went back to talk to the man, who “stated that had lost his wallet when he was over looking for the dog earlier” and had then kind of backed into Dr. Blitch “so he wouldn’t have to go near the people there. He said he got out and looked for his wallet, finding it in the dirt on the roadway where he had gotten out to look for the dog before everything happened.”
The man said he didn’t say anything, but they started yelling and cussing and videoing him, so “he started to video them back.”
He also said one of the people there came over there and spoke nicely to him and “after speaking he left and returned home thinking nothing of it.”
Deputies told him he’d probably be better off staying off Dr. Blitch Drive “where the other parties lived due to the fact things would escalate and people could be injured.”
Simple battery, etc: Same people, different day. On May 27 deputies were called back to Dr. Blitch Drive, Ellabell,because the man mentioned above was “driving down a road and almost striking children.” There the deputy met with a woman also listed in the previous report who recounted what had happened earlier and “did not feel safe with how Bryan County Sheriff's Office was handling the incidents,” and that he drove down the road while her kids were near the road.
“She stated that in passing (the man) reached out of the car and struck her father in the face.”
Her father reportedly confirmed that, though the deputy noted there was no sign of redness or swelling. The woman then asked how the man was able to drive down the private road, and the deputy told her that unless it was blocked off it was open to public use.
Then some asked if they could shoot the guy’s tires, or the guy.
“While on the scene I was questioned in regards to use of force specifically shooting out tires and shooting (the man) if he had driven into one of the driveways,” the deputy wrote. “I advised (the woman) that every incident is different and was unable to give permission to use any force.”
She was told how to get copies of the reports and how to take out a warrant.
Theft: A man reported from the Kings Ferry RV Park, Richmond Hill, that he woke up May 27 and “his girlfriend … and his truck were gone. (He) advised that (she) took both set of keys to the truck, his laptop, and $100 form his wallet. (She) also took all of her clothes and belongings. (She) did remove his property from the truck and left it in front of the camper on the ground.)” The man said he knew her birthday and she is around 44, 5-foot-9, with black hair and she is from Texas. He had no idea where she was going in his pickup.
Matter of record: A woman reported May 27 she saw where she “saw on FACEBOOK where the offender … made a rant about a mass shooting at the Lowe’s in Statesboro.” The deputy called Statesboro police and talked to a detective who said he’d record the incident. Two deputies then met the man at his Ellabell home “and informed him that it was a crime to make comments like that, and he should watch what he posts on social media.”