Bryan County Recreation Director Dr. Samose L. Mays recently earned national certification through the National Recreation and Park Association.
Mays' new designation signifies that he meets education and experience qualifications, illustrates his commitment to his profession, and demonstrates his knowledge and understanding of key concepts within parks and recreation. The Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Certification is granted to individuals employed in the recreation, park resources, and leisure services professions who meet the eligibility requirements -- including a combination of higher education and/or work experience -- and who successfully complete the national CPRP examination. The exam tests knowledge in all aspects of general administration, programming and operations management for parks and recreation. The CPRP program is offered by the National Certification Board in coordination with NRPA and the CPRP Certification Committee.
Mays completed his education at Northcentral University. He earned his bachelor's in recreation in 2011, his master's in sports management in 2013 and his Doctor of Education in Athletic Administration in 2016. He has served as Bryan County's recreation director since March 2014. Mays also serves as an instructor at Georgia Southern University.
Bryan County Administrator Ben Taylor complimented Mays on his recent achievement.
"Professional certifications demonstrate our department leaders' commitment to learn new skills and continue their professional development. The county encourages professional certification programs and for staffers to reach these new levels in order to fulfill our mission, create encouraging work environments, and to continue serving our community at the highest level possible. Congratulations to Samose on this achievement," Taylor said.
For more information about the Bryan County Recreation Department, visit