For many parents, getting children to sleep is an ongoing battle. Desperate for solutions, theyll try everything, from blackout curtains to white-noise machines. A new book, written by a Swedish behavioral psychologist and linguist named Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin, is being hailed by fans as one of the best options yet.
According to information on Forssen Ehrlins website, he wrote the book with a specific language pattern based on psychological techniques that will help your child to relax and fall asleep.
And Forssen Ehrlin isnt shy about his sleep-inducing claims. The cover of "The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep" proclaims, I can make anyone fall asleep.
Parents are apparently intrigued by the concept, because the book is currently the top seller on Thats right a self-published book from a Swedish scientist is outselling titles like Harper Lees controversial "Go Set a Watchman."
A review of the books ratings on Amazon reveals that many readers believe it helped their children. With more than 120 people weighing in, the book currently has a rating of 3.6 stars out of 5.
Of course, the book has its detractors. A significant number of Amazon reviewers say the book was a disappointment. Some even go so far as to see that its creepy or manipulative.
Forseen Ehrlin addresses the manipulation concerns on his website, saying that, As a parent you always have to help the child do things with the help of imagination and some positive reinforcements to create a new behavior.
For now, the book is continuing to dominate the charts. It has been translated into seven languages and Forseen Ehrlin is planning future books ro comprise a series.
According to information on Forssen Ehrlins website, he wrote the book with a specific language pattern based on psychological techniques that will help your child to relax and fall asleep.
And Forssen Ehrlin isnt shy about his sleep-inducing claims. The cover of "The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep" proclaims, I can make anyone fall asleep.
Parents are apparently intrigued by the concept, because the book is currently the top seller on Thats right a self-published book from a Swedish scientist is outselling titles like Harper Lees controversial "Go Set a Watchman."
A review of the books ratings on Amazon reveals that many readers believe it helped their children. With more than 120 people weighing in, the book currently has a rating of 3.6 stars out of 5.
Of course, the book has its detractors. A significant number of Amazon reviewers say the book was a disappointment. Some even go so far as to see that its creepy or manipulative.
Forseen Ehrlin addresses the manipulation concerns on his website, saying that, As a parent you always have to help the child do things with the help of imagination and some positive reinforcements to create a new behavior.
For now, the book is continuing to dominate the charts. It has been translated into seven languages and Forseen Ehrlin is planning future books ro comprise a series.