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7 ingenious ways to dominate housekeeping and keep your family happy
Learn simple, efficient tips to making your family safe, healthy and happy. - photo by Crisanta Padilla
Creating a successful and happy home can be overwhelming when you have so much on your plate. But I have learned to be a more efficient housekeeper and homemaker from my 11 years of experience mothering two boys and two girls. I've also learned much from my association with a society of women and fellow mothers.

Here are seven tips to help you balance and juggle the demands that come with being a wife and mother.

1. Organize and use your time wisely

I begin my day with a paper and pen each morning. I make a list of tasks to do. As you do this, number your top priorities. Put a 1 by the most important task, a 2 by the second-most important task and so on.

Prayer and Bible study have always been at the top of my list. I pray for guidance and divine help because I know I need power beyond my own to get things done. Believe me this work wonders! Although there is never enough time to do everything on the list, there is always enough time to do the most important things.

Let's take it from Brian Tracy, a successful CEO and inspirational speaker, who said, "An average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but gets very little done."

2. Keep your home neat and orderly

Keeping your home tidy gives you a sense of pride and provides a more peaceful atmosphere. Neat and orderly homes increase in value, safety and beauty.

Spencer Kimball, the twelfth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, said, "Whatever your circumstance, let your premises reflect orderliness, beauty and happiness."

Plants, cut flowers, curtains and music bring extra beauty to homes. However, remember not to spend too much time keeping your home clean, organized and lovely. Simplify housework. Accomplish several things at the same time. Teach all of your children to clean up after themselves when they finish an activity. Remind your husband too. Spend less time on housework and more time with family.

3. Use a family budget

Manage household finances by establishing a family budget, a record of your expenditures. By recording and reviewing monthly income and expenses, you can determine how to reduce spending on non-essentials.

Set family financial goals. As a family, plan how much you'll spend on food, housing, utilities, transportation, clothing and traveling. How much money will go to savings, church donations, etc.?

Regularly reviewing your family income, savings and spending plans establishes a firm footing required to move confidently toward family goals. Wise money management brings peace, contentment and security to the home. No matter what your current financial circumstance is, you will absolutely benefit from this.

4. Plan healthy meals

Eating regular planned meals together each day, strengthens family relationships and provides many health benefits.

My husband does the cooking in our home, but we both plan the foods we buy and grow on our farm. Planning nutritious meals for your family is exciting, especially when done with your husband and other family members.

You don't have to be a nutritionist or a dietitian to successfully plan healthy meals. Research online the variety of foods that can be included in your meals. Pay attention to the major food groups to ensure your children's' good health.

Also, remember point number three: Review and improve the ways you spend family finances so you have more money for nutritious food. It may be necessary to buy less expensive and seasonal foods as a substitute for more expensive foods in the same food group.

5. Do home production and storage

Home production and home storage give you security during emergencies. Begin making specific plans for your home production and storage program by considering your circumstances.

The most important parts of home storage are food and water. Store a variety of foods that will help you maintain good health during emergencies. Keep livestock and plant fruit trees and vegetables to have fresh food as well as extra food to preserve and store.

In your home storage, also include toiletries such as soap, toothpaste and shampoo and other essentials like batteries, matches, candles and fuels.

Also learn to sew and mend your own clothing. Weaving, knitting, quilting and crocheting may come in handy too. Watch online DIY videos for help.

6. Prevent and prepare for injuries

Learn to prevent accidents and how to apply first aid. Make your home as safe as possible.

Some home substances are poisonous. Do all you can to prevent family members from eating, drinking or touching them. Keep them and medications out of children's reach. Dangerous objects with sharp or pointed edges such as knives, scissors and tools should also be kept in safe places.

Prevent accidents at home by eliminating dangerous situations and supervising your children's activities. Be prepared in case of an emergency. Learn and practice first aid procedures such as CPR; treating a choking person; and treating burns, wounds, poisoning, electric and non-electric shock and broken bones.

7. Have fun together as a family

The most important part of housekeeping is making sure family members have love and unity. Have fun together.

Emphasizing the importance of family fun, says, "Make being joyful and having fun a priority in your life. Read the comics, share a joke, watch your favorite funny movie, smile at someone, laugh at something silly your kids or grandkids did, or do something silly yourself."

By doing these and other fun activities, your family will develop close, loving relationships; learn to work together; and begin to discuss problems together.
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