CYSS-registered youth are invited to the Youth Activity Center for a night games, refreshments and dejay-prompted dancing from 7-10 Friday. There’s no charge. Register by Thursday. Bring your date and enjoy a safe night. For more information, call 767-4491.
King tour in Atlanta
Register by Friday for a trip Feb. 28 with Leisure Travel to watch the Black History Month Parade in Atlanta and see the largest repository of primary source materials on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the American Civil Rights Movement.
Tour includes King’s birth home, crypt of Dr. and Mrs. King, exhibits at Freedom Hall, gift shop/information facility and reflecting pool. The cost of $60 per adult and $55 per child, 12 and younger, includes tour and transportation.
For more information, call 767-2841 at Stewart and 315-3674 on Hunter.
Toddler’s Valentine party
Children ages 0-5 are invited to a Toddler’s Valentine’s Party 10-noon Friday at Stewart Bowling Center. The cost of $2 per child includes shoe rental. Parents can bowl at the same price. For more information, call 767-4273.
Valentine dinner
Enjoy a four-course meal with beverage and choice of one of four entrees, as well as a shareable dessert in an elegant atmosphere with your significant other from 5-9 p.m. Saturday at Club Stewart. Cost is $50 per couple, $25 per person. For reservations or more information, call 767-4717.
Freedom Trail
Register by Feb. 18 for Leisure Travel’s Freedom Trail Tour in Savannah on Feb. 21.
See remnants of the Underground Railroad, where “free persons of color” lived during slavery times, the port of entry where slaves were bought and sold, and the Savannah African American Monument.
The cost is $25 for adults and $20 for ages 3-17 and includes transportation. For more information, call 767-2841 on Stewart and 315-3674 on Hunter.
Daytona 500
Daytona 500 tickets are on sale at Stewart and Hunter Leisure Travel offices. Tickets cost $60 and up, depending on seats.
Tickets are available for the Budweiser Duel and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 19; the Daytona 300 Xfinity Race and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 21 and the Daytona 500 and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 22.
On Feb. 22 FMWR will charter a bus to take a Leisure Travel group to the big race. Register by Feb. 16. The cost is $30 per person.
For more information, call 767-2841 on Stewart or 315-3674 on Hunter.
Cardboard Boat Regatta
Sign-up for the Cardboard Boat Regatta at Tominac Fitness Center pool on Hunter, and be prepared to have fun. The regatta will be Feb. 28.
Participants must build a boat using cardboard and duct tape only. No charge to enter.
Each boat will race one length of the pool with a two-person crew. Paddles provided. The three competitions are kids, adults and adults verses kids. Plus, a prize will be awarded for the best-looking boat.
For more information, call 315-5078.
‘Walking Dead’ tour
Register by Feb. 28 for the March 7 “Walking Dead” tour in Atlanta. Visit the hospital where it all started. Go inside the goat farm and see where the Vatis held camp.
Cost of $100 per person includes transportation on a motorcoach and tour. For more information, call 767-2841 at Stewart and 315-3674 on Hunter.
Powerlift challenge
Register to compete in the Powerlifting and Bench Press Challenge at Newman Fitness Center on March 14.
Contestants must be at least 16 and will be placed into one of 11 weight classes (male and female).
Awards will be presented to the top three bench press and power lifters and each paying participant gets a T-shirt.
Registration through Feb. 28 is $20 per competitor, then goes up $5. For more information, call 767-3031.
Weigh-in is at 8:30 a.m..
Suns vs. Hawks
See the Phoenix Suns and Atlanta Hawks clash at Phillips Arena on April 7. Cost is $30 for tickets only, or $80 for tickets and transportation on a motorcoach. Last day to sign up for bus trip is March 2.
For more information, call 767-2841 at Stewart or 315-3674 at Hunter.
Frisbee league
Registration continues until March 6 for companies that want to find out if their Frisbee team is the best on Fort Stewart. Games begin March 16 at the Sports Annex. There is no charge. Interested companies should submit a memo to the Bennett Sports Office. For more information, call 767-8238.
Bass tourney
The catch-and-release Marne Trail Bass Tournament will begin at 6:30 a.m. March 21 at Pineview Lake.
Prizes are $250 for first-place (total weight, five-fish maximum) and $100 for the largest bass. Door prizes will be awarded. Weigh-in begins at 11 a.m.
Stewart/Hunter permit holders can fish from the bank or launch a bass boat. No live bait will be permitted. Boat rentals will be available at Holbrook Equipment Center to military ID cardholders who have boat safety certificates.
Registration is $20 Feb.18-28 for active duty, retirees and their family members and all youth (15 and younger), and $30 for civilians. The fee goes up $5 after the 28th. And it is even $5 more on the day of the tourney.
Sign up at Stewart and Hunter Pass and Permit offices. For additional details, call 435-8061 at Stewart or 315-5163 at Hunter.