DARIEN — “New Harmonies: Celebrating American Roots Music,” a traveling exhibition sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and the Georgia Humanities Council, will be in Darien July 21-Sept. 1.
Darien is one of 12 Georgia communities selected by the Georgia Humanities Council to host the exhibit and the only host community in Coastal Georgia.
Planned activities in conjunction with New Harmonies include weekly lectures by music historians and film producers, a film series, live musical performances and children’s programs.
The exhibit and New Harmonies programs are free and open to the public in the Darien Hotel on Highway 17. The exhibit will be open Wednesday-Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday from 1-5 p.m. and other times by appointment.
“We are honored to represent the Georgia Coast as a host community for the New Harmonies exhibit,” Darien Mayor Hugh Hodge said. “Our region is blessed with a rich musical heritage that reflects Native American, African and European cultures, all of which have come together to create American music. We look forward to sharing those cultures and traditions through the exhibit and special events in Darien.”
For more information, call 473-7815 or go to georgiahumanities.org/newharmonies or the organization’s Facebook page.
Traveling American music exhibit starts July 21 in Darien
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