This week, Jennifer Kea, Richmond Hill High School social studies teacher and department head, talks about a former student, Raechel Blitchington.
Q: When did you first meet Raechel?
A: I met Raechel as a 10th-grader in my honors world history class. From the start, she excelled in the course. I also taught Raechel as a senior in my AP world history class. She did not have to take the class since she already had her world history credit for graduation. I felt honored to have her back in class again, especially in one so academically challenging her senior year.
Q: What attributes did she have as a student?
A: Raechel had a phenomenal work ethic. She would strive to be the very best in everything. The confidence she portrayed in every academic endeavor contributed to her success as a student. Raechel’s personality was one that a teacher dreams of in the classroom. She had a wonderful spirit that was never harsh. Her bubbly attitude was infectious. She has a sassiness about her that was not rude, but it is illustrated by her lively character. It really makes Raechel, Raechel.
Q: Are you surprised by her choice to pursue the field of Journalism?
A: No I am not surprised. Raechel would always comment that she wanted to be the next Erin Andrews. I believe I heard her say this a thousand times. I have read several articles she has written since graduating from high school. I believe she wrote well while in high school, but she has matured as a writer since graduating from RHHS. She will be a natural in the field.
Q: What do you think sets Raechel up for success in the future?
A: Raechel has a confidence about her that one does not see in many people. I never saw Raechel accept failure. She will tackle a job with all that she has in her to succeed.
Q: What do you hope to see for Raechel as she continues to pursue her education and career?
A: I wish Raechel nothing but success and happiness for the future. I truly believe she will set out to be either the next Erin Andrews or possibly working as a Fox News correspondent. Personally, I think she could rule the world. She was awesome in my classes, and she has become an incredibly talented adult.