Patty Phillips, a paramedic with Bryan County Emergency Services, faces this week's questions about her coworker Am Mason.
Q) Name and current job title?
A) Patty Phillips, paramedic; I have worked for BCES for 27 years.
Q) Why did you choose this career path?
A) I chose this career because there was need for volunteers in the community.
Q) What roles or positions have you held within Bryan County Emergency Services?
A) I was emergency medical technician for 10 years. After that I became a paramedic for 17 years. I was a Firefighter 1 around 12 years. Certifications I hold within the State of Georgia are National Registry paramedic, certification in advanced cardiovascular life support, prehospital trauma life support, pediatric advanced life support and certification in instructor of basic life support.
Q) How have you see BCES evolve over the years?
A) BCES took on full-time employees in 2000 with one truck in the south and one truck in the north. The employees worked five days a week 12-hour shifts Monday through Friday and the weekends part-timers. There are now over 50 employees. We continue to grow fast and have new stations and ambulances.
Q) When did you first meet Amy Mason? Can you describe your partnership?
A) I met Amy about six years ago. Amy became my full-time partner for about 3 to 4 years. Amy was one of the best partners I ever head. We did not even have to say anything to each other we just knew what to do and we did it. We got along very well and her family is part of mine.
Q) What has been the greatest blessings in working with BCES?
A) My greatest blessing is when you run into people in the grocery store and they come up to you and say thanks for saving their family members lives.