Q: Name and current grade at RHHS?
A: Taylor Marmet. Age 16. 9th grade at RHHS.
Q: What extracurricular activities have you or are you involved in?
A: Select Soccer Team. RHHS Tennis Team. Coaching an Academy Soccer team (U-10)
Q) What made you decide to step up as the Bryan County Champion for this years’ Relay for Life?
A: I want people to know that kids get cancer too. I also wanted to give hope to other people fighting big battles of their own.
Q: How do you hope to impact the community by telling a piece of your story?
A: I would like to send the message that there is always hope because we have a God that can do all things and no matter what you’re going through he will give you strength.
Q: What message of hope do you want to share with others battling health related illnesses?
A: God’s got this. Just trust him. He’s got a plan for you and what you’re going through. Lean on him and find joy in your life no matter what.
Q: Who has had the biggest influence or impact on your journey up till now?
A: Last summer at church camp they showed a video of a 19-year-old football player named Jace. He told his cancer story and it was amazing! His faith was so strong. It was emotional for all the high schooler’s in the chapel watching. Near the end of that video I realized that it was my time to step up and tell my story because that’s my purpose. I want to be an inspiration and give hope to others as Jace did. My story for God’s glory.