Hospice Savannah’s 21st annual Tree of Light candle-lighting and memorial gathering is set for 5 p.m. Dec. 2 by the band shell in Forsyth Park.
The public is invited to join Hospice Savannah in lighting a candle and sharing the memories of loved one. Seating is provided, and hot chocolate and cookies will be served afterward in the Forsyth Café.
The rain location is Trinity United Methodist Church, 225 W. President St. in Savannah.
Gift donations in honor of the memory of loved ones can be made at www.HospiceSavannah.org/TreeofLight or by calling 912-629-1055.
Hospice Savannah Inc., a not-for-profit organization, provides the community services and resources on dying, death, grief and loss. Services are covered by the Medicare hospice benefit and are provided in Chatham, Bryan, Effingham, Liberty and Long counties.
For more information, please contact the Full Circle staff at 912-303-9442.
Hospice gathering to honor loved ones

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