Not even Saturday’s cold and rainy weather could put a damper on the third annual Holiday Market at J.F. Gregory Park.
More than 70 vendors set up shop at the pavilion and sold their crafts and home made goods.
“We are really happy to have this event, and we could not have it without the park or the pavilion,” said Brianne Yontz, the executive director of the Richmond Hill-Bryan County Chamber of Commerce. “Overall, it has been a lot of fun. Everyone likes to go out and shop and support our local vendors.”
And shop they did. The Hauser family has made the Holiday Market a family tradition, and this year they picked up crochet beanies for the kids.
Little Caydance Davis was excited to show off her festive plate that she bought for Santa’s cookies.
“It’s nice to see all the local people come together and celebrate, shop and have fun,” said Caydance’s mother, Julie Davis.
For many, the Holiday Market is a nice change from the hustle and bustle of the mall. And it gives Bryan County residents a chance to support local small businesses and catch up with friends and neighbors, said Yontz.
She also noted that J.F. Gregory Park is lit with Christmas lights every night, and there will be a free live nativity scene from 6-8:30 p.m. today.
“So come to the park on (Dec.) 18th,” Yontz said. “We will have camels, Mary and Joseph, the wise men, and it looks like the weather will be good for that.”
Also during the nativity, there will be caroling provided by New Beginnings Community Church
Holiday market goes on despite rain
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