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Garden club bestows June honors
June hostess Susie Magee stands with Pat Duggar in the June Yard of the Month. - photo by Photo provided.
Pembroke Garden Club has announced that June Yard of the Month (left) is awarded to Victor and Pat Duggar of 2450 Bacontown Road. Victor is primarily responsible for the well kept grounds surrounding their two story home.  June hostess Susie Magee made the selection after noticing the well kept yard. Magee is shown with Pat Duggar.  June Beauty Spot has been selected by Pembroke Garden Club, and is awarded to Royce and Jan Joiner of 2269 Hwy 119 North for their daylily display.  The Joiners do all the work themselves on their sizable daylily operation;  Royce said the peak time for the lilies is around the beginning of June, but there are still plenty of them in bloom at present.
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