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Work together to honor God
pastor corner

Our church is in the middle of one of the biggest projects that we ever do — a two-weekend drama known as “Judgment House.”
It is a walk-through play in which you go from scene to scene, seeing different actors playing the same roles in differing moments. This is the fourth time we have done a “Judgment House” since I came to Pembroke in 2005. It is a fascinating concept and a marvelous opportunity to share the Gospel with our community.
But one thing that stands out more to me than anything else about “Judgment House” is the great amount of cooperation and coordination necessary to pull it off. It takes more than 100 volunteers, each doing his or her job well, to make it happen.
One of the joys of my life as pastor is to see everyone working together as they do. People sign up to serve in areas where they are gifted. And that is what makes this event so successful. I am thrilled to see people doing what they do well, working in tandem and loving it. God is honored, and we are blessed when we do that.
As you read the Bible, and even as you read church history, you see God work in the lives of people so often as they cooperate together. Moses leaned on his brother Aaron, and the people followed together as the Hebrew children left their slavery in Egypt. Joshua and Caleb and all the people worked together to take the Promised Land. And following the ascension of Jesus, the apostles worked side by side to see the church grow and go in its earliest days.
I love to see Christian people stand side by side to do what God has led them to do. Whether it is decorating a room, acting out a drama, singing in harmony or even praying together, it is beautiful to see. The psalmist wrote, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity.”
What is even better is when we work together, each doing his or her part, and then we do not worry as to who receives the credit. Even more, when we are clear that all the glory goes to God.
What a joy to see God at work in and through his children! I pray that we will work together to see his kingdom grow.

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