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Who carries the weight of your life?
pastor corner

What is your weight? Weight can be defined as the ability of something or someone to influence decisions or actions.

In our society, it is said that another kind of weight is a major problem. If you ask the average person their weight, they are likely to look at you in disbelief, both men and women alike.

Many individuals miss important annual medical appointments because of the fear of their weight being identified as the culprit of various medical problems. People most often attempt to manage their weight before seeing their primary care providers.

Unfortunately, this lends itself to grave measures, such as excessive exercising, diet pills, expensive weight programs and countless diets. For those who manage to keep their medical appointments, they tend to disagree with the scale, suggesting that there is a technical problem with the scale.

Often to their surprise, the scale is not compromised — they have gained weight since their last appointment.

While most can agree that many suffer from physical weight problems, there is also most often a spiritual and/or emotional weight problem.

I would profess that spiritual and emotional weight problems are at an all-time high. Many carry weight of shame, fear, the past, the future, oppression, of inequality along with many other unnamed forms of weight. Though we may be targets of different weights, we in no manner have to feel compelled to carry them.

Weight is acquired through our refusal to trust God in our decisions. We are not equipped to manage life’s highs and lows, separate from our faith. When we attempt to do it on our own we experience restlessness and sleeplessness.

This discomfort is not from the amount of food we have eaten but from mental stress. We have too much on our minds. We spend countless hours putting out fires of the past, present and future. Weighty thinking correlates with physical problems.

Psalms 55:22 gives us hope. The message in the Bible states, "Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders — he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin. But you, God, will throw the others into a muddy bog, cut the lifespan of assassins and traitors in half. And I trust you."

We are encouraged to cast, or throw, our burdens on the Lord, for he cares for us. Relax, the Lord is willing and available to help us and not to hinder us. Isaiah 52 directs us to shake the dust off our garments.

It is time for us to trust God to take care of matters that we cannot take care of. No one can manage the weight of life like the Lord.

Take the time to measure the needless weight you carry and choose to give it to the Lord today. Will you choose to cast or carry the weight?

Frasier is the pastor of New Dimension Christian Fellowship and a member of the United Ministerial Alliance.

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