When we think of the Christmas season and the birth of Christ, we think of joy.
One of the all-time favorite Christmas hymns is “Joy to the World.” For a Scriptural foundation, we need to go to Matthew 2:10, where the Magi were full of joy because they saw the star that led them to the Christ child. Why were they full of joy? Because a future ruler who would reign as a fair, just king was born into a sinful, corrupt world.
So what does it mean to be joyful? Many have interpreted it as being happy and feeling good all the time. The truth of the matter is that we cannot be full of that kind of joy all of the time. In Scripture, the meaning of joy would be an assurance that God always is in control and a confidence that everything is going to work out for my good if I have allowed God to be in control of my life.
We can be full of this kind of joy each and every day of our lives. We can be joyful for the birth of the Christ child for the same reason the Magi were: because Jesus can and will rule and reign in our lives today if we will invite him to do so.
Also, this same Jesus will come back to earth a second time and will rule as a king of righteousness and fairness.
Understanding the true meaning of joy

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