David, the writer of Psalms, speaks through his humanity and shows his frustration when, in chapter 22, he asks God why he has forsaken him.
Have you ever felt like the Lord has abandoned you as a believer? David was a man in trouble, feeling that everyone was against him and nothing was going right. In the midst of this, he sensed that God was not listening and possibly didn’t care.
David went on to recount how faithful the Lord was to the nation of Israel and came to its rescue. He was reminded that the Lord delivered and saved those who put their trust in God. If we look around us and listen to the testimonies of others who have trusted in the Lord, we will discover that the Lord has been faithful to them. It will build our faith knowing that this same God can and will do the same for us.
David ended this Psalm with the truth that as others who are unbelievers see God’s faithfulness in us, then they will turn to the Lord and worship him. Also, future generations will be told the stories of God’s faithfulness and can experience this it for themselves.
Remember, God does love and care for you, and he understands that we are human and impatient at times. Wait upon the Lord, and he will show his faithfulness to you.
Showing trust will yield faithfulness

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