For the past three weeks, my topic for this column has been easy to determine. First, there was Easter, then I wrote about the National Day of Prayer and finally there was Mother’s Day.
But now I have to come up with something new. What do I say? Is there anything interesting or worthwhile that I can share with you that will make any difference in your life?
Pastors sometimes ask that question. I know that especially was true for me in the early years of my ministry. I was expected to preach every Sunday. And Sunday came every week without fail.
Quite frankly, it was hard for me at first. I woke up on Monday mornings thinking, “I’ve got to do that again next week!” And I wasn’t sure that I could have something to say worth the time of those who attended my church. My problem was that I thought I needed to say something new each week.
Throughout the years, I have learned a valuable lesson. That lesson is quite simple. I don’t need to say anything new. I need to continue to proclaim the “old, old story” as the old gospel song calls it.
In fact, I have come to this conclusion, too. Any time anyone says to me that they have a “new message,” or a “new revelation” from the Lord, I get really nervous. I think it is possible to have a new understanding of what God already has said, but I don’t think God is giving us new revelations today. The message of the gospel, the good news of Jesus, still is the only message we need to proclaim.
Coming to that conclusion was a real help to me. I should have known it all along. But sometimes we have to learn lessons like that. I know that it has been helpful to me. Even as I write this column, I know that I don’t need to tell you anything new.
In fact, many of you who read these words probably know more about the Bible than I do. But from time to time I just want to remind you of things that you already know.
I hope that my words will encourage you to investigate exactly what God already has said. It is my goal to encourage you to remember the goodness and the grace of the Lord.
He is so good to us. He is faithful and true. He can be trusted. I challenge you to look into God’s word for yourself. Test his promises to see if they are true. I am certain that you will discover the same thing I have seen.
God loves you, and he longs to help you. He will be faithful. You simply must trust in him.
Gospel is ony message we need
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