In the book of Psalms we are told that God has a purpose for each one of us.
Based on what I know of scripture there are a few things that I believe are part of God’s purpose for each of us.
First, I believe our purpose is to prepare ourselves for eternity; in other words we must prepare to meet God.
We were created to live a life in fellowship with our heavenly Father and the only way to do that is to become a Christ follower.
We also were created to give worship to our creator; for He is God and we are not.
We worship Him first because of who He is, but then we worship because of His goodness to us.
We also were created to bring honor to God by the lives we live. We ought to give testimony to the transforming power of God by the change He brings in us as we live out the Christian life.
We also have as our purpose the duty to seek out those without Christ and encourage them to follow Christ.
The scripture tells us that others have no way of knowing the truth unless someone tells them.
Another one of our purposes is to find and use our gifts and talents to help build up Christ’s church. Some have a few talents while others have many, but all that means is that some have more responsibilities to get done.
And lastly, we parents have a purpose to reproduce ourselves in our children. We have an awesome responsibility not only to teach our children the Christian message, but to also live as an example before them.
God has purpose for all of us
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