Prayer is one of the most essential elements of a Christian’s life. To think that we can speak with the God of creation is a mind-boggling thought. But it is the truth. God has invited us to speak to him regularly. Paul wrote, “Pray without ceasing.” And so we know that prayer is essential.
Think about this: Jesus was the master teacher and preacher, the best who ever lived. He also performed marvelous and wonderful deeds (called miracles) in front of his followers.
But the disciples never asked Jesus to teach them how to teach or preach. They never asked Jesus to teach them how to perform miracles. The only request they made of Jesus along these lines was to say, “Lord, teach us to pray.”
May 5 is designated as the National Day of Prayer. All over our country, people will gather to spend time praying together.
This is not a political event. It simply is a time when we will choose to ask for God’s favor on our country, communities, churches and families.
I would encourage you to join your friends and neighbors in prayer on that day. For some, that simply will mean carving out a few moments in the day to get alone with God.
But for others, you will have the time and the opportunity to join a group in prayer in a public place. There will be prayer events all over the country that day. If you can, go and participate.
Here on the northern end of Bryan County, we will gather at 11:30 a.m. on the lawn at the courthouse. A group of pastors will lead a time of worship and prayer.
We will be brief, knowing that folks will need to get lunch and get back to work. But we hope it will be a meaningful time for you.
You are welcome to join us in Pembroke if you can. You also can find another place where folks are gathering or just take the time to pray on your own.
In either case, I can assure you of this: God listens to the prayers of his people. We can do no greater work than to pray. I hope you will make the commitment to pray, not only on this day, but every day of your life.
Commit to pray today and every day
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