Recently, there have been a lot of people in the news accused of mainly sexual misconduct – some being of the hideous nature.
They involve primarily politicians or coaches. It all starts with some media outlet hearing about a story, then airing or printing it.
Then the readers or viewers begin to start making judgments on the sometimes biased opinions. They talk about it at home, at work and at play until the accused many times are already convicted in people’s minds.
The truth of the matter is that every one of them may end up being guilty, but there could be some lying going on as well. I have even caught myself prejudging before all the facts are in.
The end result may be that good reputations are ruined, lives are destroyed and innocent people may suffer.
The Bible teaches us in John 7:24, “Do not judge by appearance but judge with right judgment.” This plainly means that things are not always as they appear on the surface – the end result may be something totally different.
The scripture also tells us in Matthew 7 that the way we judge others is the way we will probably be treated when others judge us. I think the Golden Rule applies here: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Or judge others as you would have them judge you.
We need to be patient and let the truth come out. And if there is guilt, pray that justice will prevail. Rather than becoming gossipers, let us instead be intercessors for the souls of mankind.
Avoid prejudgment, it can hurt
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