This next Sunday we celebrate what is traditionally known as Palm Sunday. This commemorates the time in scripture where just a few days before Christ’s crucifixion he was seen riding a donkey through Jerusalem with the crowds wanting to crown him as king. Many threw their outer garments and palm branches on the ground in front of him signifying their willingness to submit to his authority and to acknowledge him as their leader sent from God the Father. They shouted words of praise and adoration. Many were there that day because they wanted to be part of the crowd and it was the popular thing to do. Most were not leaders but followers willing to do what was politically correct.
A few days later things changed. Jesus was arrested, beaten and presented to the crowds to be released or crucified. The crowds, persuaded by the Jewish leaders, overwhelmingly decided to have him crucified. The politically correct thing to do changed and like the shifting of the wind the attitude of the crowd changed when they were confronted with the question, "What shall we do with this one called Christ?"
Things haven’t changed much in over two thousand years. When many people are confronted with Christ or the Christianity He represents, their reaction many times depends on which way the politically correct wind is blowing.
If they are around Christ believers or worshippers they may react one way while if they are around unbelievers or Christ rejecters they react another way. If following Christ is the cool thing to do the crowds swell but if following Christ becomes unpopular the crowds scatter.
The truth is that each of us has to make a decision of what we will do with this one called Christ.
There are only two choices; one is to follow Him and the other is to reject Him. The scripture tells us that one day every one of us will have to stand before God the Father and be judged on this crucial decision. No one can make the decision for us; we have the freedom to stand on our own two feet. What will you do personally with this one called Christ?
If you haven’t decided to follow Christ, the Easter season is a great time. I hope you will plan to attend church somewhere this Easter Sunday and if you don’t have a home church we at New Beginnings invite you with open arms and warm hearts.
We meet each week at 10:30 at the entrance to Buckhead North.