New rules
The rules for driving a vehicle that does not have a Department of Defense registration decal onto Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield will change on May 28.
Starting May 28, vehicles without DoD registration decals may request access at all gates at either installation with the exception of Rio Gate at Hunter Army Airfield. Only vehicles with valid DoD decals will be granted access at Rio Gate. The driver and anyone else in the vehicle 16 or older must all have matching picture identification. Gate guards will check to make sure that anyone who has been barred from the installation will not be granted access.
There will be no change to installation access procedures for passenger vehicles bearing valid DoD decals or for all commercial vehicles.
Priceless gifts
Mark your calendars to stop-in and eat at Beef ‘O’ Brady’s on Monday, May 21 from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. This is a fundraiser for the YMCA Priceless Gifts campaign and Special Needs Summer Sports Camp program. Invitations are available at the YMCA and at Beef ‘O’ Brady’s.