Library closed
The Richmond Hill Public Library will not open until 1 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 19, due to staff training.
Library staff apologize for the inconvenience.
Wounded Warriors
Boston butts will be on sale for $20 each from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. today, Aug. 14 at Brookstone Community Church in Rincon.
Proceeds go to help Horses for Heroes project. The church is located on 604 Goshen Road. For more information call 655-1480 or 728-3728.
Beulah Baptist Church invites everyone for Christian fellowship with revival beginning 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 15, through Thursday, Aug. 19. The Rev. Dan Bryant will be bringing the message each night at 7 p.m.
Homecoming service will be Sunday, Aug. 22, at 11 a.m. follow by dinner. Singing will provided by the youth.
Bible study
The Military Wives’ Bible study will begin at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 22, at First Baptist Church of Richmond Hill fellowship hall. The fall study is based on the book “Loving Your Military Man” by Bea Fishback. Learn to apply the advice Paul gave in Phil. 4:8 in marriage: “Focus on whatever is true, honorable, righteous, lovely, of good repute, excellent, and worthy of praise.”
To sign up or for more information call 756-2196.
Adult basketball
The North Bryan County Recreation Department will offer an adult basketball league this fall beginning the first of September and running through the middle of November.
The league will play on Monday and Wednesday nights with games beginning at 6 or 6:30 p.m. The cost of the league will be determined at the coaches meeting which will be held at the Hendrix Park gym on Monday, Aug. 16, at 6:30 p.m.
For further information contact Pratt Lockwood at the North Bryan County Recreation Department at 912-858-4640
Spouse's night
First Baptist Church Richmond Hill’s Military Spouse’s Night Out is Aug. 20, from 6 until 9:30 p.m. It is open to any military, church member or not, deployed or not.
Enjoy an evening out while your children, babies through fifth grade, have a fun filled evening designed just for them. No charge.
To RSVP call the church office at 756-2196.
Input needed
The Coastal Regional Commission (CRC) is requesting nominations of cultural, historic and natural resources for inclusion in the Regionally Important Resources (RIR) Plan for the Region. The nomination form is attached. The closing date for nominations is Aug, 30, 2010.
All nominations received will be reviewed by the CRC staff and the local government where the nominated site is located for recommendation of inclusion as a RIR.
The nomination form and fact sheet are available on the CRC’s website, under Planning and Government Services’ Environmental Planning Page. For more information contact Chris Emmer at 912-262-2872 or via email at
Golf tournament
The 11th annual Wendell “Winkie” Glisson Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, Aug. 21, at the Black Creek Golf Club, with a 9 a.m. start.
The cost is $75 per player, which includes lunch, green fees, cart, prizes, refreshments and mulligans. Proceeds will be used to help local cancer patients.
Call 858-4653 for more information.
Tennis, anyone?
The Richmond Hill Area Tennis Association (RHATA) adult tennis corporate league has resumed.
This is the group's third successful year in organizing local adult tennis competition. Corporate Tennis is USTA sanctioned and operates under WTT rules.
Matches are played Sunday evenings from August until November.
Teams are comprised of men and ladies of all levels, and the league has proven to be a fun way Richmond Hill tennis players socialize.
Anyone interested in joining can contact Jimmy Trivitayakhun at 727-3198 or e-mail at
Please don't delay as teams are being selected now.
4-H dance
Bryan County 4-H is hosting a back to school dance from 6:30-10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21, at Hendrix Park Recreation Center gym.
The theme for the dance is “Find the Celebrity in you with 4-H.”
Admission is $5, and there will be various contests with prizes throughout the evening, including Celebrity-Look-Alike, Limbo, Dance and more.
If people are always saying you look like a star, dress the part and participate in the Look-Alike-Contest.
Come out and have a great time with Bryan County 4-H and Hendrix Park.
Art show
The Richmond Hill Historical Society is pleased to present “Seeing History through the eyes of local artists” during the month of September.
The free reception for the show will be from 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2, in the Richmond Hill Museum.
Local artists have used archived images held in the Richmond Hill Museum to visually reproduce through paint, pencil, canvas and photography the life and times of the people, places and things from days gone by on the coast of Georgia.
For more information or directions, please call the museum at 912-756-3697.
The Richmond Hill Community Theatre is seeking interested directors for fall season and future productions, including plays, musicals, dinner theater and other quality theatrical performances.
Applications for the fall season are due by Sept. 15. The annual General Meeting of RHCT will be at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 19.. All interested people are welcome. The meeting location and further inquiries can be directed to Nikki at 949-228-1094 or e-mail at
Peanut Festival
The 21st annual Brooklet Peanut Festival will be held Saturday, Aug. 21.
The parade begins at 10 a.m. Various live entertainment will take place throughout the day.
There will also be arts and crafts booths, food booths and amusements. A street dance begins at 7 p.m. featuring The Variations.
For more information see
Mothers' group
Join Mothers Of Preschoolers at First Baptist Church of Richmond Hill. Get together with other moms to figure out the art and science of mothering together. If you have a child from birth-kindergarten, this group is for you. Stop by anytime to learn more. Regular meetings are the first and third Tuesday of every month at 9:30 a.m.
Thrift store
St. Elizabeth’s Attic--Thrift and Gift Store is now open and has jewelry, appliances, clothes, furniture, books, children’s toys and games. It is open Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. until noon.
All proceeds are donated to local charities. The store is located at 16491 Hwy. 144 in Richmond Hill, phone 727-2664.
Art show
Bryan County artists are now being featured at the new Bryan County Administrative Complex. The show is in the main lobby and is accessible to the public Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show will run through September.