Car show
Richmond Hill Elementary will host a car show at the school today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $5 to get in and all proceeds will go toward putting in additional playground pieces for the school. There will be hot dogs/hamburgers, inflatables for the kids, and families can vote on their favorite car. Come and check out some of the best classic cars around.
Meeting cancelled
The Richmond Hill Planning and Zoning meeting scheduled for April 26 has been cancelled.
Cute kids
Parents, is your child the cutest kid we’ve ever seen? Upload their photo by May 8 and enter our contest. It’s free to enter and they could win prizes. Readers will begin voting for their favorites by age group on May 9.
Go to for more information.
Everyone is invited to to hear Dr. Jim Sanders, Director of Skidaway Oceanographic Institute. He will be the featured speaker at the quarterly dinner meeting of The Dolphin Project on today at 6:30 p.m. at the Shellhouse Restaurant (I-95/Exit 94 West & Rt. 204/Abercorn). If you desire to eat dinner (optional) you can order off the menu with separate checks. RSVP to Peach Hubbard at 727-3177 or if you wish to attend.
Junior rangers
Richmond Hill – Fort McAllister State Historic Park will offer Junior Ranger Summer Camp June 14 thru 19, 2009 and June 28 thru July 2 for children ages 8 to 12. The camp will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. The cost of the camp is $70 per child.
Activities will include nature walks, arts and crafts, games, wildlife lessons, canoeing, nature scavenger hunts, and much more.
Call 727–2339 for registration and information. The deadline to register for the week of June 14 is June 9, and June 28 for the week of June 23. The participation is limited to 20 campers for each week.
Fort McAllister is located at 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA 31324.
See Spot Run
The annual See Spot Run 5K Run Walk is May 1.
To participate, bring your dog (on a leash, with proof of current rabies vaccine) to J.F. Gregory Park in Richmond Hill. Runners without dogs are encouraged to attend also. Advanced registration is available by mail or on Same day registration and check-in begin at 8 a.m. Run will begin promptly at 90 a.m. with walkers starting at 9:15 a.m.
Prizes will be awarded in several different categories. All proceeds from this event benefit Bryan Animal Caregivers Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program, which is responsible for aiding in the sterilization of over 5,000 domestic and feral animals since 2003. For more information call (912) 727-2694 ext. 3, or visit our website at
BCHS reunion
The Bryan County High School Class of 1990 20-year reunion is June 12 at 7 p.m. at the Harbor View Room in the Desoto Hilton, Savannah. Dinner and a D.J. The cost is $60 per person, payment due by May 1. Special reunion discount available for overnight rooms. Make checks payable to Cleve White, P.O. Box 902, Ellabell, GA 31308. For more information email
Yard sale
The city of Pembroke will host its annual citywide yard sale on May 1 from 8 a.m. until noon in the municipal parking lot downtown on Hwy. 280. Booth spaces are available for $10 each. You can sign up at City Hall, located at 160 North Main Street. Call 653-4413 for more information.
American Legion Post 164, Pembroke, is selling genuine Vidalia jumbo onions to support Post activities. The 10 pound bags will sell for $8 each, and the 25-pound bags for $15 each. Delivery will be late April or early May. These onions are from Ray Farms and certified by the state as genuine Vidalia onions. Call B.J. Clark at 653-4958 to place an order or see any member of the Post. Tickets will be sold until late April in the Pembroke, Ellabell and Richmond Hill areas. The Post meets the second Thursday each month at 8 p.m. All veterans are welcome to visit and/or join.
GOP qualifying
The Bryan County Republican Party qualifying period for candidates for the 2010 election is from April 26 at 9 a.m. until April 30 at noon. There are a number of positions open on the Bryan County Commission and Board of Education. Qualifying fees are $45 for the county commission and $18 for BoE. For more information call Larry Barker, Bryan County GOP chairman, at 756-5942 or email him at
Rabies clinic
Bryan County 4-H is sponsoring its annual rabies clinic today from 8 a.m.-noon at Lanier Primary School, Hwy. 280 East of Pembroke. Cost is $8 per vaccination per cat or dog. Microchip implants will also be available for $25. Owners responsible for activation and registration. Dr. Amanda Welch, DVM, Richmond Hill Animal Hospital, will administer the vaccinations. For more information call (912) 653-2231.
Photo contest
The Historic Preservation Division, in cooperation with the Parks, Recreation & Historic Sites Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, has announced a State Historic Sites photo contest that ends May 2.
Georgia’s State Historic Sites are located throughout the state and include a rich variety of important historic and archaeological resources. Submitted photos should be of historic buildings or landscapes like Indian mounds or Civil War battlefields..
Submitted photos must be taken at any of Georgia’s State Historic Sites during regular operating hours, including Fort McAllister in Richmond Hill. For more information about the State Historic Sites photo contest, please contact Charlie Miller at 404-651-5287 or
Richmond Hill Elementary will host a car show at the school today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $5 to get in and all proceeds will go toward putting in additional playground pieces for the school. There will be hot dogs/hamburgers, inflatables for the kids, and families can vote on their favorite car. Come and check out some of the best classic cars around.
Meeting cancelled
The Richmond Hill Planning and Zoning meeting scheduled for April 26 has been cancelled.
Cute kids
Parents, is your child the cutest kid we’ve ever seen? Upload their photo by May 8 and enter our contest. It’s free to enter and they could win prizes. Readers will begin voting for their favorites by age group on May 9.
Go to for more information.
Everyone is invited to to hear Dr. Jim Sanders, Director of Skidaway Oceanographic Institute. He will be the featured speaker at the quarterly dinner meeting of The Dolphin Project on today at 6:30 p.m. at the Shellhouse Restaurant (I-95/Exit 94 West & Rt. 204/Abercorn). If you desire to eat dinner (optional) you can order off the menu with separate checks. RSVP to Peach Hubbard at 727-3177 or if you wish to attend.
Junior rangers
Richmond Hill – Fort McAllister State Historic Park will offer Junior Ranger Summer Camp June 14 thru 19, 2009 and June 28 thru July 2 for children ages 8 to 12. The camp will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. The cost of the camp is $70 per child.
Activities will include nature walks, arts and crafts, games, wildlife lessons, canoeing, nature scavenger hunts, and much more.
Call 727–2339 for registration and information. The deadline to register for the week of June 14 is June 9, and June 28 for the week of June 23. The participation is limited to 20 campers for each week.
Fort McAllister is located at 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA 31324.
See Spot Run
The annual See Spot Run 5K Run Walk is May 1.
To participate, bring your dog (on a leash, with proof of current rabies vaccine) to J.F. Gregory Park in Richmond Hill. Runners without dogs are encouraged to attend also. Advanced registration is available by mail or on Same day registration and check-in begin at 8 a.m. Run will begin promptly at 90 a.m. with walkers starting at 9:15 a.m.
Prizes will be awarded in several different categories. All proceeds from this event benefit Bryan Animal Caregivers Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program, which is responsible for aiding in the sterilization of over 5,000 domestic and feral animals since 2003. For more information call (912) 727-2694 ext. 3, or visit our website at
BCHS reunion
The Bryan County High School Class of 1990 20-year reunion is June 12 at 7 p.m. at the Harbor View Room in the Desoto Hilton, Savannah. Dinner and a D.J. The cost is $60 per person, payment due by May 1. Special reunion discount available for overnight rooms. Make checks payable to Cleve White, P.O. Box 902, Ellabell, GA 31308. For more information email
Yard sale
The city of Pembroke will host its annual citywide yard sale on May 1 from 8 a.m. until noon in the municipal parking lot downtown on Hwy. 280. Booth spaces are available for $10 each. You can sign up at City Hall, located at 160 North Main Street. Call 653-4413 for more information.
American Legion Post 164, Pembroke, is selling genuine Vidalia jumbo onions to support Post activities. The 10 pound bags will sell for $8 each, and the 25-pound bags for $15 each. Delivery will be late April or early May. These onions are from Ray Farms and certified by the state as genuine Vidalia onions. Call B.J. Clark at 653-4958 to place an order or see any member of the Post. Tickets will be sold until late April in the Pembroke, Ellabell and Richmond Hill areas. The Post meets the second Thursday each month at 8 p.m. All veterans are welcome to visit and/or join.
GOP qualifying
The Bryan County Republican Party qualifying period for candidates for the 2010 election is from April 26 at 9 a.m. until April 30 at noon. There are a number of positions open on the Bryan County Commission and Board of Education. Qualifying fees are $45 for the county commission and $18 for BoE. For more information call Larry Barker, Bryan County GOP chairman, at 756-5942 or email him at
Rabies clinic
Bryan County 4-H is sponsoring its annual rabies clinic today from 8 a.m.-noon at Lanier Primary School, Hwy. 280 East of Pembroke. Cost is $8 per vaccination per cat or dog. Microchip implants will also be available for $25. Owners responsible for activation and registration. Dr. Amanda Welch, DVM, Richmond Hill Animal Hospital, will administer the vaccinations. For more information call (912) 653-2231.
Photo contest
The Historic Preservation Division, in cooperation with the Parks, Recreation & Historic Sites Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, has announced a State Historic Sites photo contest that ends May 2.
Georgia’s State Historic Sites are located throughout the state and include a rich variety of important historic and archaeological resources. Submitted photos should be of historic buildings or landscapes like Indian mounds or Civil War battlefields..
Submitted photos must be taken at any of Georgia’s State Historic Sites during regular operating hours, including Fort McAllister in Richmond Hill. For more information about the State Historic Sites photo contest, please contact Charlie Miller at 404-651-5287 or