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What parents should know about 'Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation'
Tom Cruise plays Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation. - photo by John Clyde
CRUISE LAND Audiences have been excited about the latest Mission: Impossible film, Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation, to hit theaters. Both Mission: Impossible III and Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol were big hits at the box office and with fans, and Im happy to report that Rogue Nation carries on that tradition.

I could tell you about how much fun I had in the theater watching the flick or how my heart wanted to pound out of my chest watching Tom Cruise hang off the side of a plane at 5,000 feet or cruise down freeways on a motorcycle at break-neck speed, but our good friend Travis Poppleton already did all that in his excellent review, Where does Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation rank in the series?

Im here to let parents and audiences in general know what they can expect from a content perspective when they head into the theater.


Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation is much like its predecessors; its a spy flick with mayhem, elaborate action sequences and fairly high body count.

While Rogue Nation is low on blood, its not low on violence. The entire film is made up of action sequence after action sequence, and you can count on some death and destruction in every single one.

With all that said, the violence is comparable to Ghost Protocol, but probably a little less than M:I III.

If you didnt have an issue with the earlier installments or even most Marvel movies, then Rogue Nation shouldnt be a problem.


This one was a bit of a toss up. Walking out of the theater I turned to my wife and said, That was a little more scandalous than I would have expected.

Much to my surprise she responded with, Really? I thought it was really tame.

After we discussed it, I realized why we didnt immediately agree, and I think it will help give you all a bearing of what to expect. My wife and I were looking at it through two different lenses.

I was comparing it to other M:I films and my wife was comparing it to other spy thrillers, James Bond in particular.

Compared to the other M:I films, there is more skin in Rogue Nation than the others. There is no explicit nudity or even the slightest hint of a sex scene, but rather a shot of a girl in a bikini and another of the naked back of a woman. We also get the shot of Tom Cruise shirtless, which Im guessing is in his contract somewhere.

From my wifes point of view, shes completely right. Compared to Bond films, Rogue Nation is very tame. As mentioned before, there's no sex scenes or even implied scenes to speak of. Sure, there are hints of a romance, but not even as much as a kiss on screen.

The PG-13 rating seems fair in this category. If it werent for the shot of the naked back, the sexiness level would actually be suitable for a PG film.


The language in the film is sparse and not overly aggressive. You get a few choice phrases from Simon Peggs Benji character a time or two, but other than that there wasnt much.

In fact, when I walked out of the theater I tried to recall specific moments of language and drew a blank. Yes, theyre there, but they werent in your face or emphasized. As I mentioned, I cant recall a specific moment in the film where any language really stuck out to me.


All in all, the PG-13 rating is a fair one for the film mainly for the violence. Overall, Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation is a really fun and entertaining film based off its clever story, witty humor and amazing action sequences.

Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for sequences of action and violence and brief partial nudity.
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